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Case 4: Hypertension

Case 4: Hypertension

Wed Apr 03 2019
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Han's Acupuncture August 2, 2018

Female, 35 yrs old

Main Complaints:
Hypertension which was diagnosed in winter 2016.
Ovarian Cysts that were diagnosed after the ultrasound check up in 2016 winter.

Treatment Period: Jan, 9 2017 - Apr, 2017.

Treatment Used:
Two different kinds of herbal decoctions were prescribed during treatment period. One decoction was targeting her lower jiao to reduce the size of ovarian cysts and, the other one to lower the blood pressure. Total of 8 packages of herbal decoctions for 4 months were prescribed and, her blood pressure came back to normal.
In the beginning, she went to the clinic to see a doctor about her dizziness that was ongoing for two months and, she was diagnosed with hypertension in Dec, 2016. BP was 160/110 but, the western doctors couldn't figure out the cause of hypertension since the test results for blood, urine and a heart were clean. She said that they mentioned there is no relation between ovarian cysts and hypertension. The western doctor prescribed diuretics for her hypertension but she didn't take it. Instead, she came to our clinic to get treatment. Her surgery for removal of ovarian cysts was set on May,3 2017 and, she wanted to continue her treatment until that time.
After taking the first package of herbal decoction, her BP came down to 135/105. She felt much better and her intensity of dizziness got reduced as well so, we continued the same prescription with her after. With a second package, her BP came down to 130/90. After third package, her BP was 120/80 and, she could keep that stability of BP until now. Since BP of 120/80 is a bit high for her age, we asked her to do some exercise with dietary advice.
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