Han’s Acupuncture and Herbs Clinic’s mission is to “let our body heal itself to homeostasis”. In current Western medicine, even after surgery and treatment, if the body is not strong enough, detrimental side effects can cause further harm to the body.
At our clinic, we diagnose and treat each patient differently, so no treatment will be the same. We also help those who wish to prevent themselves from the flu or a cold by using preventative treatments that will keep your body healthy and keeping it at homeostasis.
At our clinic, we use unique approaches to treat patients. First, we use the tongue diagnosis method which helps greatly with the diagnosis of the illness. Second, we use the least amount of acupuncture needles but effectively treat the patient. Third, we prescribe herbal medication according to the patient’s constitution. Finally, we minimize/alleviate pains and side effects from cancer surgery.
Medical practice’s value lies within a treatment. The reason why oriental medicine is still prominent today is because with acupuncture and herbal medicine, we can treat what Western medicine cannot: diseases, pain, and side effects. Also our clinic applies preventative measures within our treatments to help patients live healthier lives.