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Case 23 Menstrual Irregularities

Case 23 Menstrual Irregularities

Mon Oct 28 2019
view 1396 0
Female, 23 years old

Main Symptoms

Taking hormones since her first period at the age of 12


The result of health screening from a hospital was clean. However, through Tongue Pattern Diagnosis, blood stasis was found. And the patient suffered from constipation. If turbid blood stasis accumulates in the uterus or lower abdomen, it may cause the menstrual irregularities.


  • Acupuncutre treatment once or twice a week

  • Prescription herbal pills(once a day0

  • Presciption herbal decoction(three times a day)


During the course of treatment, constipation disappeared completely and after about two months of treatment, she experienced the normal menstrual cycle for the first time.
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