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Case 15: TMJ (Temporomandibular joint) Disorder

Case 15: TMJ (Temporomandibular joint) Disorder

Wed Apr 03 2019
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Han's Acupuncture January 3, 2019

Female, 15 years old

Main complaint:
- Pain in her jaw joint

Treatment period: From Nov 17, 2018 until Dec 22, 2018

Treatment used:
The patient stated that with her severe pain in left jaw joint and in the muscles, it was really painful when she tried to open her mouth, especially in the morning. She also said that it causes a clicking sound or grating sensation when she closes or opens her mouth. The treatments were practiced with only acupuncture and tui-na with no herbal medicines. After the second acupuncture and tui-na treatment, she noticed that there was a less clicking sound in her jaw. After the fourth treatment, she stated that the acupuncture relieved muscle spasms and decreased pain, releasing the jaw naturally for the joint to move freely.
*Results may vary from person to person
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