Acne treatment with oriental medicine
Acne occurs a lot in adolescence due to hormonal changes as secondary sexual characteristics began and were used to be known as a symbol of youth. Pre-adulthood is age-sensitive to their appearance. If they develop severe acne during this period, it can cause serious problems. It must be treated as it lowers self-confidence, and in extreme cases, it can lead to social phobia and psychological issues. Acne tends to gradually improve as patients become adults, but many cases of adult acne develop after their 20s and repeatedly appear even after their 30s.
What is acne?
Acne is a chronic inflammatory disease in which the sebaceous glands (organs that secrete fat) in the hair follicles inflame or form pustules. It mainly occurs on the face, chest, and back, where many sebaceous glands exist. However, these days, most rashes around the face or mouth after wearing a mask are probably contact dermatitis.
What causes acne?
Acne is not caused by one or two causes, such as acne infection, sebum secretion, or hyperactivity, but rather caused by complex reasons combined with the specificity of personal constitution. If acne is recurrent and chronicled, becoming more incurable, the causes are more complex. In acne diagnosis, checking the characteristic inflammatory symptoms in the hair follicle area and comedones (sebum hardened in the hair follicles) is important. As inflammation occurs around the comedones, the inflammation worsens and progresses to papules, suppuration, nodules, and cysts. Also, if it becomes chronic, it shows mixed symptoms of different stages.
The process of acne is as follows.
increased sebum secretion
Formation of closed comedo – The strata cornea proliferate and block the pores, allowing sebum secreted from the sebaceous glands to stack inside, making skin swollen.
Open comedo – a condition in which the comedo’s tip has darkened due to contact with air and pollutants.
Inflammatory papules – an inflamed condition in which the skin becomes sensitive and red.
Pustules – Inflammation progressed and became purulent.
Nodules – Inflammation spreads through the dermis, forming nodules
Cysts – large, deep suppurations extended to the dermis and even formed lumps
Types of acne
Acne comendonicus papular has a millet-like form, inflammation progress from the non-inflammatory acne comendonicus to reddish papulus (still before the formation of the pus)
Pustular nodular acne Acne appears as a big and convexed form as the inflammatory reaction within the acne develops to the pur and intensifying pustules.
Treatment for acne
Western Treatment Acne treatment largely includes ointments, oral medications, and surgical treatment.
Ointments – used for mild acne, antibiotics, vitamin A derivatives, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory ointments
Oral medications – used for moderate to severe acne, oral antibiotics, vitamin A derivatives
Surgical treatment – steroid injections, dermabrasion therapy, extrusion therapy, etc.
Oriental medicine treatment
We take into individual acne pattern and oriental gynecology on idiosyncracies (cold, heat, sleep status, digestion, urine, stool, etc.) to provide personalized oriental treatment. Both Western and Oriental medication have their own merits and demerits. However, Oriental medication focuses on fundamental treatment. Also, there are few side effects to the drug.
Acne is closely related to our diet. Even during acne treatment, patients should never intake junk food and sugary foods for quick results. Sugar is one of the leading factors of dermatitis of all skin diseases. Acne that appears in puberty emerges for a while and usually goes away. However, if it develops further spreading out or turns into purulent, aggressive treatment at an early stage is highly recommended. This is because purulent acne can leave scars on the face and can cause a negative psychological effect on adolescents who are sensitive to their appearance.
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